In-house Pharmacy
Low-cost Medicines
Preventive Oncology
Awareness Programmes
- Screening in the community for early detection
- Screening in the Out Patient Department

- Frozen section histopathology
- Cytology (including PAP)
- Immuno-histochemistry
- Flow cytometry
- Clinical pathology
- Haematology & Biochemistry
- Bone marrow aspirations and biopsy

- CT scan (dual slice)
- Ultrasound
- Portable USG
- Conventional mammography
- Thermography
- X-ray (300mA)
- Portable X-ray
- Interventional radiology (non vascular)
- Invasive diagnostic procedures including USG and/or CT guided FNA and trucut biopsies, percutaneous drainage, ethanol injection and tumour localization

Medical Oncology
- Out Patient and In-patient facility
- Paediatric oncology

Surgical Oncology
- Outpatient and In-patient facility
- Pre-operative ward
- Post-operative ward
- Rehabilitation ward
- Endoscopy

Upper G.I. Endoscopy
Rigid Direct Laryngoscopy
- Self Expanding Metallic Stent (SEMS) placement for oesophageal and bronchial obstruction
- Tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis (TEP) placement after laryngectomy
- MIS, LSS, microvascular reconstruction, skull base procedure

Radiation Oncology
- External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT)
- (Manual TC and thermoplastic mould prepared for every head and neck patient)
- Interstitial brachytherapy
- Intracavitary brachytherapy
- Intraluminal brachytherapy
- Surface mould brachytherapy
- Linear accelerator to be installed within 2021. With the linear accelerator, the treatment facilities available will be:
- 3D CRT
- Electron therapy

Interventional Procedures
Dental Surgery
Pain and Palliative Care
Out Patient and In-patient Facility
Home Care and Visits
Molecular Oncology
- Next Generation Sequencer
- DNA Microarray
- Tissue Microarray
- Qiacube HT
- Hybrid Capture system
- Biosafety cabinet
- Automated cell counter
- Flow cytometer
- Flourometer
- Laminar flow hood
- Tape Station
- -80℃ refrigerator
- -20℃ refrigerator

COVID Testing
- Microbiology
- Culture & antibiotic sensitivity
- Antibiotic policy & vigilance

Resource Management
- Help patients to access government schemes
- other sources of financial assistance